The latest in the “Ancient” series.
Author Archives: Reel_Admin
Seven I scale in blue
Fast learner, the serpent.
The Tree Shepherd
This image tops off a new theme of “The Ancient”
Detail to a previous post
I don’t always revisit artwork for additional alterations, although I think the potential here more promising than any self implied limit. So, here is an elaboration on an earlier post. The subject is seen in various colour options. Also, each image encapsulates a varying state of completion.
The Ancient Order
The Ancient Order are a band who I have had the great opportunity to see live, and work with. They have their debut album available online. I thought it would be a good opportunity to promote their music by sharing some album art I did for them. The images pair with the thought provoking lyrics written by the band. These guys show great musicianship. If interested in hearing more of their music, see the link below:
Onward Machines into 2016
Wishing everyone a great 2016. Here are the last machine drawings of 2015!
Wasp MK 00
Here is another Mech design, taking inspiration from the insect world.
The Expanse – Episode 1
Here is episode 1 of ‘The Expanse’ that features some 3D I worked on outsourcing over at Switch VFX.
“Machines, Robots, and Devices” continues with this second post.
Father industry and the technological wizard
Here are the first two images, side by side, of the new theme “Machines, Robots, and Devices”. Enjoy!