I started this drawing while on the way to work on the subway…I started to pay attention to what was going on about me on the train. In case I needed to give up my seat to an elder, or pregnant Woman.It became a game to me after a while. Looking up between stops to see who got on. Taking a break from looking down at my screen.The animation was done at home, on a computer. I have always been interested in the timing element to the art of animation. And, have enjoyed the complex arrangements of the band ‘Tool’. They have a great new song ‘Descending’. I thought I’d dedicate this, to the band, as a way to thank them for all the great music over the years. I hope you enjoy too.
I was part of the SWITCH VFX team that contributed some visual effects to support the telling of this story. Based on some early writing from Game of Thrones author George RR Martin, Nightflyers is a new adaptation a science fiction classic. The full first season is available now on Netflix.